Products & Solutions

Point of Entry (POE)

The need for separate filter systems at each water dispenser in your house is eliminated by point of entry water filtration systems.

Point of entry water filtration systems filter the water as it enters the building, as opposed to point of use systems, which filter the water before it is dispensed. A central water filtration system for your entire building, a point of entry water filtration system connects straight to the water line. These systems provide peace of mind each time you switch on a faucet, making them ideal for homes, and industrial premises with numerous water dispensing points.

Point of Use (POU)

Systems for point of use water filtration should be used wherever you use water, such as in the bathroom, bathtub, washing machine, or water bottle.

Point of entry filters should not be confused with point of use water filtration devices, but they do produce comparable outcomes. Point of entry water filters clean the water coming into the building, whereas point of use water filters only clean the water at specific places. Prior to the water being dispensed from the water supply, point of use filters are thought of as the last step of purification. All of the point of use water filters guarantee that your water is of the highest caliber.

Water Management Solutions

Conventional Water Treatment system

Most conventional water treatment systems, combine coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection to give people clean, safe drinking water. Since the early 20th century, a combination of coagulation, sedimentation, and filtration has been used as the most common water treatment technique worldwide. Nowadays we provide large-scale and medium-scale conventional-type water treatment plants as per the number of beneficiaries.

Package Type Water Treatment system

An alternative to in ground conventional treatment methods is package technology. Although some models of package plants include cutting-edge treatment components, like adsorptive clarifiers, package processes are not fundamentally distinct from other types of treatment processes. Package plants, however, are made up of treatment units that are assembled in a factory, skid mounted, and transported to the site. This is the main difference between package plants and custom-designed plants as per the special requirements.

Hybrid Water Treatment System

As per the special requirements like less space and water quality parameters, we provide hybrid water treatment plants with a combination of conventional type water treatment plants and package type water treatment plants as a single unit. In this hybrid system, we use suitable media filters, multi-ports, RO, and Nano according to the treatment plant design.